Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students | 拾書所

Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students

$ 490 元 原價 490
●Here is a complete and comprehensive guide to all things grammar from Grammar Girl, a.k.a. Mignon Fogarty, whose popular podcasts have been downloaded over twenty million times and whose first book, Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing,was a New York Times bestseller. For beginners to more advanced students, this guide covers it all: the parts of speech, sentences, and punctuation are all explained clearly and concisely with the warmth, wit, and accessibility Grammar Girl is known for. Pop quizzes are scattered throughout to reinforce the explanations, as well as Grammar Girl's trademark Quick and Dirty Tips—easy and fun memory tricks to help with those challenging rules. Complete with a writing style chapter and a guide to the different kinds of writing—everything from school papers to letter writing to e-mails—this guide is sure to become the one-stop, essential book on every student's desk.

●Arthur comes home from school and begins sneaking around the house, taking notes and talking about a Big Green Machine. D.W. is suspicious of her brother's weird behavior, but when Arthur shows up late for dinner with green hands, she really gets the creeps! But it turns house Arthur is making a poster listing all the ways to save energy at home—and go green!

●人稱「文法女王」蜜妮安‧福格蒂(Mignon Fogarty),將各種文法知識都寫在這本導讀中囉!蜜妮安‧福格蒂,親手製作的超人氣podast下載超過兩千萬次,處女作《文法女王──無痛升級學習法》一出版便隆登《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜!不論是對英文初學者還是進階程度的學習者,文法女王保持一貫親切機智的口吻,簡單清楚講解各種文類,不管是詞類、句子、還是標點符號,都在這本書當中了!每段講解後面附有隨堂測驗及「獨門速成技巧」,教你輕鬆有趣的記憶妙招,克服各種艱澀難懂的文法規則。本書另闢章節專門介紹各種文風,還有一章介紹不同文類的導覽,從學校作文、書信寫作,到電子郵件寫作應有盡有。這本寫作百科絕對是每位同學書桌上的必備寶典!

 Age Range: 12+ years

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