Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? (書附CD) 貓熊、貓熊,你在看什麼? | 拾書所

Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? (書附CD) 貓熊、貓熊,你在看什麼?

$ 350 元 原價 350
Thirty-five years after their first groundbreaking collaboration, the creators of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? reunite to address the important topic of animal conservation. A Bald Eagle soars, a Spider Monkey swings, a Macaroni Penguin struts, and a Red Wolf sneaks through Bill Martin Jr's rhythmic text and Eric Carle's vibrant images, and all are watched over by our best hope for the future-a dreaming child.

三十五年前,兩本童書《大棕熊,大棕熊,你看見了什麼?》與《北極熊,北極熊你聽到了什麼?》的兩位作者首次合作,意義非凡。三十五年後,兩人 再次攜手合作。這次他們創作關注的議題是極為重要的動物保育。小比爾‧馬丁(Bill Martin Jr)充滿節奏感的文字與艾瑞克‧卡爾(Eric Carle)栩栩如生的插畫創造出翱翔於天際的禿鷹、擺盪於樹梢間的蜘蛛猴、昂首闊步的通心麵企鵝,還有狡猾的紅狼。這套書的主角是一位擁有夢想的小孩 ,他是所有人類保護動物的希望。

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