In the Name of Honor | 拾書所

In the Name of Honor

$ 350 元 原價 350
●Home from Iraq, a lieutenant kills his commanding officer—was it self-defense or premeditated murder? An enthralling novel of suspense about the high cost of war and secrets The McCarrans and the Gallaghers, two military families, have been close for decades, ever since Anthony McCarran—now one of the army's most distinguished generals—became best friends with Jack Gallagher, a fellow West Pointer who was later killed in Vietnam. Now a new generation of soldiers faces combat, and Lt. Brian McCarran, the general's son, has returned from a harrowing tour in Iraq. Traumatized by wartime experiences he will not reveal, Brian depends on his lifelong friendship with Kate Gallagher, Jack's daughter, who is married to Brian's commanding officer in Iraq, Capt. Joe D'Abruzzo. But since coming home, D'Abruzzo also seems changed by the experiences he and Brian shared—he's become secretive and remote. Tragedy strikes when Brian shoots and kills D'Abruzzo on their army post in Virginia. Brian pleads self-defense, claiming that D'Abruzzo, a black-belt martial artist, came to his quarters, accused him of interfering with his marriage, and attacked him. Kate supports Brian and says that her husband had become violent and abusive. But Brian and Kate have secrets of their own, and now Capt. Paul Terry, one of the army's most accomplished young lawyers, will defend Brian in a high-profile court-martial. Terry's co-counsel is Meg McCarran, Brian's sister, a brilliant... ●一名從伊拉克返國的美軍中尉竟殺害了自己的長官—究竟是自衛,還是謀殺?劇情懸疑、扣人心弦,引您一窺戰爭與秘密背後隱藏著什麼高昂代價。當前美軍重要將領安東尼.麥卡倫與後來在越戰中犧牲的西點校友傑克.蓋拉弗擁有數十年戎馬情誼,一段軍人家族麥卡倫和蓋拉弗的世代交情就此展開。如今年輕一代面臨戰事威脅,麥卡倫將軍之子布萊恩剛從伊拉克返回美國,內心滿是戰爭的創傷,摯友——蓋拉弗的女兒——凱特是他的重要支柱。而凱特的丈夫喬.迪阿布佐恰好是布萊恩在伊拉克的長官。與布萊恩一樣,回國前,喬不知曾有過什麼遭遇,竟變得畏畏縮縮、不愛與人相處。悲劇終於發生了,布萊恩在維吉尼亞州的軍營裡拔槍射殺了喬。布萊恩堅持自己是出於自衛,辯稱具有跆拳道黑帶資格的喬來找他理論,口口聲聲說布萊恩妨礙家庭,又對他動手動腳;凱特也表示丈夫近來變得脾氣暴躁、不時對她暴力相向。但問題是布萊恩與凱特之間的確有不可告人之事,現在又發生了射殺喬的悲劇。全案交由軍事法庭審理,軍方指派一名年輕有為的律師保羅.泰瑞來為他辯護,而與泰瑞一同為布萊恩辯護的另一名律師,竟然是布萊恩的妹妹梅格……。

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