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●本書設計目的為培養段落寫作技巧,奠定日後論文寫作的根基。內容充實豐富,深受好 評,包含修辭介紹和文章欣賞,也可作為實用的參考書籍。●作者深入淺出的解說,配合啟 發性的活動設計和寫作練習,著重四大基本寫作要素,亦即統一性、發展性、連貫性和句 構的完整性。第五版特色納入電腦寫作,深入研討寫作過程,提供最新圖書館資源、事例 舉證、寫作活動和評量、和文章欣賞。
Part One begins, in chapter 1, by introducing you to the basic principles of effective writing. You learn that what is most important in writing is to make a point and support that point. This chapter next provides an overview of how the book is organized. It then goes on to discuss the benefits of paragraph writing and two key ideas about writing. The first key idea is that writing is a skill that anyone can learn with practice. The second key idea is that one can often discover a subject in the very process of writing about it. Finally, the chapter presents journal writing and offers some suggestions on how to use the text.
Chapter 2, "The Writing Process," explains and illustrates the sequence of steps in writing an effective paragraph. You learn how prewriting, revising, and editing will help with every paper that you write.
Chapter 3, "The First and Second Steps in Writing," shows you, in detail, how to begin your paper with a point and provide specific evidence to support that point.
Chapter 4, "The Third step in Writing," shows you how to organize and connect the specific evidence in a paper.
Chapter 5, "The Fourth Step in Writing," shows you how to revise so that your sentences flow smoothly and clearly and how to edit so that your sentences are error-free.
Chapter 6, "Four Bases for Evaluating Writing," explains how four bases─unity, support, coherence, and sentence skills─will help you evaluate and revise papers.


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