Almost Alice | 拾書所

Almost Alice

$ 245 元 原價 245
●Is it possible to be too good a friend -- too understanding, too always there, too much like a doormat? Alice has always been a good friend to Pamela and Liz, a best friend to Pamela and Liz. But she's starting to wonder where that leaves her: What am I? An ear for listening? An arm around the shoulder? And then there's Patrick -- after ending their relationship two years ago, he's suddenly calling again, and wants to take her to his senior prom. What does that mean? As Alice tries to figure out who she is in relation to her friends, she learns one thing -- sometimes friends need you more than they let on...especially when the unthinkable happens. ●朋友可以好到彼此心有靈犀,有福同享、有難同當,甚至是到當受氣桶的地步嗎?愛麗斯一直是帕米拉和麗茲的好朋友,也一直是她們的死黨,但她開始感覺到自己好像少了什麼:我對她們來說是什麼?是傾聽心事的親密摯友呢?還是朋友可以依靠的肩膀?這時候派崔克出現了,兩年前他們分了手,現在卻突然打電話過來,還邀她一同參加畢業舞會。這意味了什麼?愛麗斯還在思考她與朋友之間的關係時,也瞭解到一件事:有時候儘管朋友很需要妳,也不見得會表現出來──尤其是在意想不到的事發生時。

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