Steve Jobs: Thinking Differently | 拾書所

Steve Jobs: Thinking Differently

$ 245 元 原價 245
派翠西亞‧拉金為系列童書《Max & Mo》的作者,這次,她推出新作《賈柏斯傳》,相信就連對閱讀興趣缺缺的中年級生也會愛不釋手。一名頑童由四處闖禍到爬上事業高峰,過程中的種種都在書中精彩呈現。

Even reluctant middle-grade readers will devour Patricia Lakin's (the Max & Mo series) biography of Steve Jobs--a fascinating portrait of a kid who breaks nearly every rule and yet rises to astronomical heights.

 Age Range: 8 - 12 years

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