愛狗人士會對本書內容感到驚奇不已。作者Alexandra Horowitz是名動物認知科學家,她將為您揭開「狗狗世界」的神秘面紗,究竟狗是如何察覺週遭事物呢?牠們又是如何看待身邊的同伴,甚至是世界上最善變的動物──人類呢?Horowitz於書中詳盡闡述狗的感知與認知能力,讓讀者了解到「身為一隻狗」是什麼樣的感覺。是什麼樣的能力讓狗狗不僅能嗅出房子裡的美味佳餚,也能讓牠嗅出人類的悲傷情緒,甚至是時間的流逝?而體型嬌小的狗狗要如何與大丹犬和平共處?昆蟲身體的脈動或嗡嗡作響的螢光燈又是什麼樣的聲音?是不是每次都一定要追騎腳踏車的人?以口當手會是什麼樣的情況?您可曾試想自己是隻狗,在離地兩呎的高度,聞著人行道的味道,瞅著人類的腳踝或膝蓋瞧?本書將為您一一解答。
●The answers will surprise and delight you as Alexandra Horowitz, a cognitive scientist, explains how dogs perceive their daily worlds, each other, and that other quirky animal, the human. Horowitz introduces the reader to dogs’ perceptual and cognitive abilities and then draws a picture of what it might be like to be a dog. What’s it like to be able to smell not just every bit of open food in the house but also to smell sadness in humans, or even the passage of time? How does a tiny dog manage to play successfully with a Great Dane? What is it like to hear the bodily vibrations of insects or the hum of a fluorescent light? Why must a person on a bicycle be chased? What’s it like to use your mouth as a hand? In short, what is it like for a dog to experience life from two feet off the ground, amidst the smells of the sidewalk, gazing at our ankles or knees?
愛狗人士會對本書內容感到驚奇不已。作者Alexandra Horowitz是名動物認知科學家,她將為您揭開「狗狗世界」的神秘面紗,究竟狗是如何察覺週遭事物呢?牠們又是如何看待身邊的同伴,甚至是世界上最善變的動物──人類呢?Horowitz於書中詳盡闡述狗的感知與認知能力,讓讀者了解到「身為一隻狗」是什麼樣的感覺。是什麼樣的能力讓狗狗不僅能嗅出房子裡的美味佳餚,也能讓牠嗅出人類的悲傷情緒,甚至是時間的流逝?而體型嬌小的狗狗要如何與大丹犬和平共處?昆蟲身體的脈動或嗡嗡作響的螢光燈又是什麼樣的聲音?是不是每次都一定要追騎腳踏車的人?以口當手會是什麼樣的情況?您可曾試想自己是隻狗,在離地兩呎的高度,聞著人行道的味道,瞅著人類的腳踝或膝蓋瞧?本書將為您一一解答。
●The answers will surprise and delight you as Alexandra Horowitz, a cognitive scientist, explains how dogs perceive their daily worlds, each other, and that other quirky animal, the human. Horowitz introduces the reader to dogs’ perceptual and cognitive abilities and then draws a picture of what it might be like to be a dog. What’s it like to be able to smell not just every bit of open food in the house but also to smell sadness in humans, or even the passage of time? How does a tiny dog manage to play successfully with a Great Dane? What is it like to hear the bodily vibrations of insects or the hum of a fluorescent light? Why must a person on a bicycle be chased? What’s it like to use your mouth as a hand? In short, what is it like for a dog to experience life from two feet off the ground, amidst the smells of the sidewalk, gazing at our ankles or knees?