Read This! 1 Teacher's Manual (with Audio CD) | 拾書所

Read This! 1 Teacher's Manual (with Audio CD)

$ 820 元 原價 820



本書分三個級數,以口述方式呈現學術內容為主的精彩故事,針對高中進入大學或是大學進入研究所設計之閱讀能力奠基課程。著重字彙和閱讀流暢度,每冊包含五大主題,每單元或多或少與高中以上學科做連結,主題範圍廣泛,如商業、工程、心理學、健康與數理等。隨教師手冊附有聽力CD,Read This!網站上也有聽力檔案可下載,增進閱讀能力同時也能加強聽力。

The Teacher's Manual provides some general strategic information on how to use the Student's Book, an Answer Key to all exercise material in the Student's Book, photocopiable student tests for each unit, and the answers to those tests. Bound into the back of the book is an audio CD that contains audio recordings of all the stories in the Student's Book.

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