The Girl in the Green Sweater | 拾書所

The Girl in the Green Sweater

$ 525 元 原價 525
一九四三年,烏克蘭的利沃夫有十五萬猶太人遭到流放、屠殺、驅逐至猶太人區、甚至面臨滅族之危,一群波蘭的猶太人大膽將城市的下水道當作避難所。而Krystyna Chiger是當中最後一位倖存者,她勇於揭露其中一段最私密、最駭人也最欣喜的經歷,描述當初如何順利逃過大屠殺。在原名The Girl in the Green Sweater的In Darkness 中,Chiger以第一人稱視角娓娓道來當初的駭人經歷,述說他們一家人是如何在又臭又髒的利沃夫下水道生活長達十四個月。
●In 1943, with Lvov's 150,000 Jews having been exiled, killed, or forced into ghettos and facing extermination, a group of Polish Jews daringly sought refuge in the city's sewer system. The last surviving member this group, Krystyna Chiger, shares one of the most intimate, harrowing and ultimately triumphant tales of survival to emerge from the Holocaust. Originally published as The Girl in the Green Sweater, In Darkness is Chiger's harrowing first-person account of the fourteen months she spent with her family in the fetid, underground sewers of Lvov.



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