Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1: Snow Is Falling | 拾書所

Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1: Snow Is Falling

$ 245 元 原價 245

Snow is falling. Snow is wonderful - for sledding, for skiing, and for building snowmen. But did you know that snow can actually keep things warm? Find out how snow helpf plants, animals, and people to survive. But when a blizzard blows, watch out! The snow that is so useful can be dangerous too.

一書一主題的教育性、知識性科學讀本。附有「Find out more about_Topic」單元,協助孩子動腦動手來應證書中所學。整套內容讓孩子體會大自然的偉大、懂得

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