Frankly, Frannie: Rocking Out! (Ages: 6-8) | 拾書所

Frankly, Frannie: Rocking Out! (Ages: 6-8)

$ 175 元 原價 175
社區活動中心「方舟」一宣佈快經營不下去,法蘭妮與所有社區居然就決定攜手舉辦一場募款演唱會。法蘭妮和朋友寫了好幾封信給搖滾巨星艾梅‧查普曼(Aimee Chapman),邀請她在演唱會上演奏,而她也答應了!法蘭妮和朋友因此發現原來當個搖滾巨星是多麼神氣的一件事,想當然爾,法蘭妮便立志要成為搖滾巨星。而演唱會後台的休息室,根本就是為了搖滾巨星打造的嘛!
●When Frannie's local community center, The Ark, announces it is going out of business, Frannie and the community join together to create a fundraising concert. Frannie and her friends write letters to rock star Aimee Chapman asking her to perform at the concert and she says yes! Frannie and her friends learn all about the perks of being a rock star and, of course, Frannie decides rock star is perfect for a career. After all, a green room is actually an office for rock stars!


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