★ 廖彩杏《用有聲書輕鬆聽出英語力》推薦書單
Presents ten verses of the popular song, with illustrations of children from different cultures as they get ready for school.
本書內含著名歌曲「Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush」的十段歌詞,還附有各國學齡前兒童的塗鴉插圖。
★ 廖彩杏《用有聲書輕鬆聽出英語力》推薦書單
Presents ten verses of the popular song, with illustrations of children from different cultures as they get ready for school.
本書內含著名歌曲「Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush」的十段歌詞,還附有各國學齡前兒童的塗鴉插圖。