★ 廖彩杏《用有聲書輕鬆聽出英語力》推薦書單
In the jungle, the animals' toes are twitching, their bodies are wiggling, and their wings are flapping--as they teach children how to do the Animal Boogie.
快翻開 The Animal Boogie 看叢林裡的動物們怎麼教孩子們一起扭腰擺臀。
★ 廖彩杏《用有聲書輕鬆聽出英語力》推薦書單
In the jungle, the animals' toes are twitching, their bodies are wiggling, and their wings are flapping--as they teach children how to do the Animal Boogie.
快翻開 The Animal Boogie 看叢林裡的動物們怎麼教孩子們一起扭腰擺臀。