Bookworms Factfiles 1: San Francisco (Book Only) | 拾書所

Bookworms Factfiles 1: San Francisco (Book Only)

$ 220 元 原價 220

‘It’s a good place for gold,’ said people in the 1840s, and they came from all over the world. ‘It’s a good place for a prison,’ said the US government in the 1920s, and they put Al Capone there on the island of Alcatraz. ‘It’s a good place for love,’ said the hippies in the 1960s, and they put flowers in their hair and came to Haight Ashbury. And San Francisco is still a good place – to take a hundred photographs, or see the Chinatown parade, or just to sit in a coffee shop and be in this interesting, different city…

「這是個充滿金礦的好地方。」1840年代的人們這麼說,他們從世界各地前來。「這是個適合建造監獄的好地方。」1920年代的美國政府這麼說,然後便將Al Capone關到阿爾卡特拉斯島。「這是適合談戀愛的好地方。」1960年代的嬉皮這麼說,他們在頭髮上放花,來到Haight Ashbury。而舊金山仍是個好地方,可以拍數百張的照片、觀賞唐人街遊行,或是坐在咖啡店裡,感受這有趣又與眾不同的城市。

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