Frankly, Frannie: Miss Fortune (Ages: 6-8) | 拾書所

Frankly, Frannie: Miss Fortune (Ages: 6-8)

$ 175 元 原價 175
●內容簡介法蘭妮在爸媽為她舉辦的派對上受了占卜師的影響,決定轉換跑道,當個假冒的占卜師。她開始信口開河編造同學的命運,卻漸漸發覺,預知未來與指點迷津相去甚遠。但同學對法蘭妮的說辭深信不疑,不想洗澡、不做家事,甚至不去上學,法蘭妮這才發現,自己根本不是個當占卜師的料。正所謂假的真不了!●Frannie's parents throw a party for Frannie with a fortune teller and Frannie finds her next new job: fortune teller, obviously! Frannie begins making up the fortunes of her friends at school and realizes that there is a difference between seeing the future and simply telling people what to do. After Frannie's customers start taking their fortunes too seriously by refusing to shower, do their chores, and even go to school, Frannie discovers that being psychic wasn't her hidden talent after all. And that is not an opinion!


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