Brian's Return (Hatchet #4) 手斧男孩 4:鹿精靈 (Ages 10 and up) | 拾書所

Brian's Return (Hatchet #4) 手斧男孩 4:鹿精靈 (Ages 10 and up)

$ 350 元 原價 350
●上百萬名讀者都讀過蓋瑞‧伯森筆下的野外冒險系列叢書,包括《手斧男孩》(Hachet)、《手斧男孩2:領帶河》(The River)以及《手斧男孩3:另一種結局》(Brian's Winter),書中主角布萊恩‧羅伯森獨自在荒野中求生存,儘管面對許多艱鉅的挑戰,都迎刃而解。如今,他重返文明世界,卻無法適應高中生活。無法融入群體的疏離感,遠比他在北方所受的孤寂還難受。唯一的解決辦法就是重返「故鄉」;唯有在荒野,他才能找到自己人生的方向與歸屬感。As millions of readers of Hatchet, The River, and Brian's Winter know, Brian Robeson survived alone in the wilderness by finding solutions to extraordinary challenges. But now that's he's back in civilization, he can't find a way to make sense of high school life. He feels disconnected, more isolated than he did alone in the North. The only answer is to return-to "go back in"-for only in the wilderness can Brian discover his true path in life, and where he belongs.



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