Page Turners 7: Dead Before Midnight (1100字) (絕版售完為止) | 拾書所

Page Turners 7: Dead Before Midnight (1100字) (絕版售完為止)

$ 180 元 原價 180
For David Hawke, directing Dead Before Midnight on Broadway is the chance of a lifetime. But strange things begin to happen to David and his colleagues, and people are saying that the play itself may be cursed. As opening night approaches, it's not clear if it will be the biggest night of David's life, or the last...

David Hawkey在百老匯導演《在午夜前死去》是一生中千載難逢的雞會。但奇怪的事情開始發生在David和同事們身上,大家都說劇本可能受到詛咒。首場演出來臨,不知道這會不會是David人生中最重要的一晚,還是事他的最後一夜……。

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