Bright & Brainy: Practice Grade 6 (Book + CD) | 拾書所

Bright & Brainy: Practice Grade 6 (Book + CD)

$ 700 元 原價 700
本書能幫助學生強化數學知識以及語言藝術的技能等級,是六年級生不可或缺的練習資源。本書針對特定的美國共同核心課程標準(Common Core Standards)來設計,內容豐富且與現實世界相關,幫助學生迎接校園以外的生活。學生能透過書中簡短的習題來達到規律練習的目的,非常適合做為課堂上或回家後的補充練習,另附教師資源CD以及練習頁的PDF檔。本書以共同核心課程標準為基礎開發而成,內容符合二十一世紀關鍵能力聯盟(Partnership for 21st Century Skills)的跨學科宗旨。
●This must-have resource encourages sixth grade students to reinforce their knowledge of mathematical and language arts grade-level skills! Focusing on specific Common Core Standards, this resource is designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, helping students prepare themselves for life beyond their educational careers. Students will gain regular practice through the quick activities found in each book. Perfect for additional practice in the classroom or at home! The book contains a Teacher Resource CD with PDFs of the activity pages. This resource was developed with Common Core State Standards as its foundation and is aligned to the interdisciplinary themes from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.


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