Puffin Young Readers 3: Fox on the Job (汪 list)(Ages: 6-9) | 拾書所

Puffin Young Readers 3: Fox on the Job (汪 list)(Ages: 6-9)

$ 111 元 原價 140
When Fox breaks his bike, his mom tells him to get a job to pay for a new one. He tries working at a shoe store (too much!), an amusement park (too scary!), and even tries delivering pizzas (too fast!). Then he finds a job that's just his speed - bed testing in a store window!

福克斯的腳踏車壞了……媽媽要他自己打工買台新的。他試著到鞋店工作(工作太多了!),也到遊樂園去(遊客的尖叫聲太嚇人了!) ,還去外送披薩(速度太趕了!)最後,他找到一個最適合自己步調的工作――在商店的櫥窗內試躺床舖!

Age Range: 6-9 years

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