觀光英語Let’s Go!【二版】(彩色圖解版+MP3) | 拾書所

觀光英語Let’s Go!【二版】(彩色圖解版+MP3)

$ 480 元 原價 480

《觀光英語Let’s Go!》專為出國旅遊的讀者,或是觀光相關科系學子所量身打造。內容包含了行前規劃、訂購機票、簽證護照辦理、出入境流程、機上大小事、抵達海外的食衣住行與醫療。詳盡的情境分類句型、英文模擬會話、旅遊補充資訊與各式彩色情境圖解,能幫助讀者實際臨場運用,釐清困惑。一書在手,不管是自助或跟團旅行都能毫無畏懼,勇敢向前衝,充分享受旅遊的快活!
●目錄  興奮打包出境篇 Unit 01 Departure
Chapter 01 國外旅遊的事前規劃Planning Your Trip
Chapter 02 機票事宜Get Ready for Departure
Chapter 03 辨理出境手續At the Airport: Departure Procedures
Chapter 04 機場內Get Ready for Departure
Chapter 05 準備登機Getting Ready for Boarding the plane
 翱翔天際飛航篇 Unit 02 Flight
Chapter 06 起飛前Before Taking Off
Chapter 07 飛行中During the Flight
Chapter 08 準備降落Just Before Landing
 愉悅心情入境篇 Unit 03 Arrival
Chapter 09 辦理入境手續Going Through Immigration Procedures
Chapter 10 機場服務Using Airport Services
 養精蓄銳住宿篇 Unit 04 Accommodation
Chapter 11 登記住宿At the Hotel: Checking In
Chapter 12 旅館服務Using Hotel Services and Facilities
Chapter 13 退房Checking Out of the Hotel
 四通八達交通篇 Unit 05 Transportation
Chapter 14 計程車Taking a Taxi
Chapter 15 巴士Taking the Bus
Chapter 16 地下鐵Using the Subway
Chapter 18 租車Renting a Car
Chapter 17 火車Taking the Train
 垂涎三尺餐廳篇 Unit 06 Restaurants
Chapter 19 選擇餐廳Choosing a Restaurant
Chapter 20 進入餐廳In the Restaurant: Ordering a Meal
Chapter 21 用餐時Dining Situations
Chapter 22 用餐後After the Meal
Chapter 23 速食店與酒吧Eating in Fast-Food Restaurants & Pubs
 動靜皆宜娛樂篇 Unit 07 Entertainment
Chapter 24 市區觀光Downtown Sightseeing
Chapter 25 博物館與美術館Visiting Museums & Galleries
Chapter 26 戲劇、音樂劇與演奏會Going to Plays, Musicals & Concerts
Chapter 27 夜總會與舞廳Going to Night Clubs & Discotheques
Chapter 28 遊樂園Visiting Amusement Parks
Chapter 29 賭場Gambling at a Casino
Chapter 30 體育比賽Attending Games & Sporting Events
 血拼高手購物篇 Unit 08 Shopping
Chapter 31 購物訊息Shopping Information
Chapter 32 購買服飾與鞋子Shopping for Clothes & Shoes
Chapter 33 購買首飾配件Shopping for Jewelry & Accessories
Chapter 34 購買化妝保養用品Shopping for Cosmetics
Chapter 35 購買電子用品Shopping for Appliances
Chapter 36 購買紀念品At a Souvenir Shop
 無遠弗屆通訊篇 Unit 09 Communication
Chapter 37 打電話Making Phone Calls
Chapter 38 郵寄信件與包裹At the Post Office: Sending Letters & Parcels
 疑難雜症緊急篇 Unit 10 Problem Solving
Chapter 39 遺失物品或遭竊Dealing With Loss & Theft
Chapter 40 生病就醫Dealing With Illness & Medical Care


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