Across the Universe (Ages 14 and up) | 拾書所

Across the Universe (Ages 14 and up)

$ 350 元 原價 350

Amy is a cryogenically frozen passenger aboard the spaceship Godspeed. She has left her boyfriend, friends--and planet--behind to join her parents as a member of Project Ark Ship. Amy and her parents believe they will wake on a new planet, Centauri-Earth, three hundred years in the future. But fifty years before Godspeed's scheduled landing, cryo chamber 42 is mysteriously unplugged, and Amy is violently woken from her frozen slumber.



艾美是太空船「神馭號」的冷凍冬眠乘客,她捨棄愛人、好友與故鄉地球,與父母一同加入「方舟計畫」,他們相信三百年後他們將會在新地球上甦醒。但在神馭號預定降落的前五十年,冬眠箱 42 號卻被莫名地拔掉插頭,艾美被迫殘忍地從冬眠狀態中醒過來。 



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