First the Egg (精裝版) 先有蛋 | 拾書所

First the Egg (精裝版) 先有蛋

$ 665 元 原價 665

★ 美國凱迪克銀牌獎

WHICH CAME FIRST? The chicken or the egg? Simple die-cuts magically present transformation-- from seed to flower, tadpole to frog, caterpillar to butterfly.

The acclaimed author of Black? White! Day? Night! and Lemons Are Not Red gives an entirely fresh and memorable presentation to the concepts of transformation and creatiity. Seed becomes flower, paint becomes picture, word becomes story-- and the commonplace becomes extraordinary as children look through and turn the pages of this novel and winning book.

First the Egg by bestselling author and illustrator Laura Vaccaro Seeger is a 2008 Caldecott Honor Book and a 2007 New York Times Book Review Best Illustrated Book of the Year. This title has Common Core connections.


《Black?White! Day?Night!》和《Lemons Are Not Red》的知名作者以全新的方式為大家展現轉變的概念與創造力。種子變成花、油漆變成畫像、文字成為故事。孩子翻閱這本獲獎小說的時候,一切平凡化為精彩。

《First the Egg》由暢銷作家及插畫家 Laura Vaccaro Seeger 所著,本書於 2008 年獲得凱迪克獎,並於 2007 年榮獲《紐約時報書評》年度最佳繪本。此獎項符合美國共同核心標準。

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