What Katy Did Next 凱蒂姑娘 | 拾書所

What Katy Did Next 凱蒂姑娘

$ 120 元 原價 120
The story of Katy Carr, the lanky, good-hearted tomboy who learns to be gentle and patient, is continued in this third instalment of Susan Coolidge’s popular Katy series. When Mrs Ashe, a widower, discovers that her visiting nephew has scarlet fever, she sends her only daughter Amy to stay with the Carr family. Amy finds a true friend in Katy Carr, and Mrs Ashe invites Katy to join them on a trip to Europe. After some initial reluctance, she agrees.

廣受歡迎的凱蒂系列推出第三集囉!在蘇珊‧柯立芝(Susan Coolidge)筆下,凱蒂‧卡爾身型修長、心地善良的女孩兒,而且活潑調皮得像個小男孩,正學著要溫柔又有耐心。當寡婦艾許太太發現來訪的姪子染上了猩紅熱,就把獨生女艾美送到卡爾家寄住。艾美就在這段時間與凱蒂‧卡爾成了交心的知己,後來艾許太太還邀請凱蒂跟她們母女一起去歐洲旅行。雖然一開始凱蒂不太願意,最終還是接受了邀請。

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