Snakes and Ladders (Age 6 and up) | 拾書所

Snakes and Ladders (Age 6 and up)

$ 180 元 原價 180
Yellow Bananas Teacher's Guide Based on the Yellow Bananas series, this resource for teachers helps reinforce and enhance what students learn in their core reading program through engaging activities that focus on reading skills. Teachers will find: - activities that highlight the book's main message and tie students' responses to reading, writing, speaking, listening, and representing - activities that connect the topic of the book to other curriculum areas - notes to teachers with suggestions on how to implement an activity, adapt the activity to different levels and interests, and involve the home community - quizzes to help assess an individual student's comprehension - reproducible blackline masters for students to use as worksheets for an activity - 60 pages; 8 1/2 11"; binder; B&W text; full-color cover Yellow Bananas are captivating chapter books designed to help young readers make the transition from storybooks to text-based books. The next level up from Red Bananas, each book features short chapters, engaging full-color illustrations, and a strong story about interesting characters. As their reading abilities develop, kids will want to make the jump from Red to Yellow Bananas!

《黃香蕉教師手冊》依據《黃香蕉》系列叢書所編,可協助教師透過引人入勝且著重閱讀技巧的活動,加強學生在核心閱讀課程中所學的知識。本書可提供教師以下協助: -部分活動可加強書中的核心訊息,並將學生聽、說、讀、寫的能力與課堂表現作連結。-部分活動能將閱讀主題與其他科目連結。-指導教師如何進行活動、如何依據學生的不同學習能力及興趣調整活動內容,以及如何引導家長共同參與。-提供評估學生理解能力的測驗。-可重複使用的學生活動練習紙。-全書六十頁,書本長寬22*28公分,裝訂精美,內文黑白印刷,全彩封面。《黃香蕉》系列叢書為精彩的短篇故事,幫助兒童練習從閱讀繪本轉為文字圖書。難度略高於《紅香蕉》系列的《黃香蕉》叢書,每一冊都包含數個短篇故事,搭配全彩插圖,還有各個主角的精采故事,隨著閱讀能力上升,孩子會迫不急待想嘗試閱讀更高階的《黃香蕉》系列叢書!



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