Insight Guides: Indonesia (印尼) ( 第六版 ) | 拾書所

Insight Guides: Indonesia (印尼) ( 第六版 )

$ 1,000 元 原價 1,000
●2012全新裝修版《知性之旅:印尼》(Insight Guide Indonesia)將帶您深入探索這個聞名遐邇的壯麗國度。本書不僅網羅印尼著名景點,更附上詳細實用的旅遊資訊。無論是峇里島的碧海藍天及慶典廟宇、蘇拉威西島的美麗珊瑚礁、爪哇島的古老城市文明,亦或是蘇門答臘島及加里曼丹島上的熱帶雨林,全都收錄其中,還搭配全彩照片及旅遊地圖。書中的特色章節則將帶您細數印尼的歷史淵源,造訪大自然與野生動物共舞,品嚐美味佳餚以及體驗當地文化。印尼的美,盡在本書,等您來發掘。
Thoroughly updated and expanded for 2012, the new edition of Insight Guide Indonesia is the essential guide to one of the world’s most spectacular countries, with comprehensive descriptions of the major sights and attractions accompanied by detailed practical information. The guide covers the whole of this fascinating country in depth – from the beaches, festivals and temples of Bali to the spectacular coral reefs of Sulawesi, the ancient culture and cities of Java to the forests of Sumatra and Kalimantan - with full-color photographs and maps throughout. The Features section focuses on Indonesia’s history, wildlife, cuisine, and culture.

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