Junie B. Jones Audio Collection, Books 1-8 (Audio CD)(5CDs only) | 拾書所

Junie B. Jones Audio Collection, Books 1-8 (Audio CD)(5CDs only)

$ 1,050 元 原價 1,050



Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus
Remember when it was scary to go to school? 'Cause it was your first day and you didn't know anything. Meet Junie B. Jones, kindergartner. She's so scared of the school bus and the meanies on it that when it's time to go home, she doesn't.
Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business
It's pooey on B-A-B-I-E-S until Junie B. finds out that her new dumb old baby brother is a big fat deal. Her two bestest friends are giving her everything they own just to see him. And guess what else? Maybe she can bring him to school on Pet Day.
Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth
Junie B.'s having a rough week. First she got punishment for shooting off her mouth in kindergarten. And now she's in big trouble again! 'Cause Monday is Job Day, and Junie B. told her class that she's got the bestest job of all. Only, what the heck is it?
Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying
Junie B. is the bestest spier in the whole world. That's 'cause she has sneaky feet. And her nose doesn't whistle when she breathes. But guess what? Junie B. might be real sneaky. And real peeky. But when she spies on Mrs., she could get into real trouble!
Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake
In this audio, Junie B. wins the Carnival Night Cake Walk and chooses the bestest cake of all. How was she to know it was lethal weapon?
Junie B. Jones and that Meanie Jim's Birthday
Junie B. is NOT invited to Jim's birthday party in this great story.
Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren
Junie B. has to figure out how she can get the handomest guy she's ever seen to love her.
Juine B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed
Junie B. worries that Paulie Allen Puffer is right and she really does have monster under her bed.


#1 Stupid Smelly Bus Junie B第一天上學會和大家一樣的害怕嗎?

#2 Monkey Business Junie B.的家即將增添一名新成員,她要如何去面對?她會耍什花樣?

#3 Big Fat Mouth 職業日的活動,Junie B.壓根兒不知道自己想做什麼,然而卻還得意洋洋地向全班宣布她選擇的工作是最好的。這下子Junie B.該怎麼向大家交代呢?

#4 Sneaky Peaky Spying 當Junie B把歪腦筋動到她的老師的頭上時,她會吃不完兜著走?

#5 Yucky Blucky Fruitcake 到底是什麼模樣!一個原本被視為一個無用的蛋糕,竟變成Junie B一個非常實用的道具!

#6 Meanie Jim''s Birthday Junie B為何被Jim排除在生日派對之外。Junie B.該不該為了報復Jim,也將她的生日派對提早六個月舉行,同時不邀請Jim呢? 她要如何處理這個窘境?

#7 Handsome Warren 幼稚園裡來了一位新而帥氣的男孩!Junnie B和其他兩位好友都煞到這個小帥哥,Junie B.該如何讓這位男孩愛上她呢?

#8 a Monster Under Her Bed Junie B.認為有怪物躲在她的床底下,可能會把她肥肥的腳趾頭當作是小巧可口的維也納香腸呢!她父母安慰她說沒這東西!。但是,為什麼有怪物在Junie B.的枕頭上流口水呢?

 Age Range: 7 years +

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