Chasing Windmills 沙漠風車 | 拾書所

Chasing Windmills 沙漠風車

$ 490 元 原價 490
●From the bestselling author of Pay It Forward comes a provocative and unlikely love story that starts on a New York subway car and blossoms under the windmills of the Mojave Desert.Both Sebastian and Maria live in worlds ruled by fear. Sebastian, a lonely seventeen-year-old, is suffocating under his dominant father's control; Maria, a young mother of two, is trying to keep peace at home despite her boyfriend's abuse. When their eyes meet across a subway car one night, these two strangers find a connection that neither can explain or ignore. They dream of a new future and agree to run away together, only to find that each has kept a major secret from the other. In this tremendously moving novel, Catherine Ryan Hyde shows us how two people trapped by life's circumstances can break free and find a place in the world where love is genuine and selfless. ●在地鐵車廂中相遇的愛情,卻在沙漠風車陣中找到容身之處。 ●沙漠是他似曾相識的兒時回憶,是她未曾想像過的陌生環境,是他們夢想中的容身之處 ●三更半夜,在紐約地鐵的車廂裡,兩個對任何陌生事物都會感到恐懼的年輕人相對而坐。乘客來來去去,他們避開彼此的視線,卻壓抑不了想再看他∕她一眼的衝動。 ●賽巴斯汀,17歲,終日生活在父親的高壓統治下,沒嚐過熱狗、披薩,沒看過電影,沒有朋友,甚至…「沒有母親」。當每天半夜的地鐵透氣之旅開始走了樣,他的生活也掀起了翻天覆地的變化。

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