●It has been nearly three decades since Shirley MacLaine commenced her brave and public commitment to chronicling her personal quest for spiritual understanding. In testament to the endurance and vitality of her message, each of her eight legendary bestsellers -- from Don't Fall Off the Mountain to My Lucky Stars -- continues today to attract, dazzle, and transform countless new readers. Now Shirley is back -- with her most breathtakingly powerful and unique book yet. This is the story of a journey. It is the eagerly anticipated and altogether startling culmination of Shirley MacLaine's extraordinary -- and ultimately rewarding -- road through life. The riveting odyssey began with a pair of anonymous handwritten letters imploring Shirley to make a difficult pilgrimage along the Santiago de Compostela Camino in Spain. Throughout history, countless illustrious pilgrims from all over Europe have taken up the trail. It is an ancient -- and allegedly enchanted -- pilgrimage. People from St. Francis of Assisi and Charlemagne to Ferdinand and Isabella to Dante and Chaucer have taken the journey, which comprises a nearly 500-mile trek across highways, mountains and valleys, cities and towns, and fields. Now it would be Shirley's turn.
●紐約時報暢銷書:The Camino 「完完全全被吸引...從第一章到最後一頁..」--波士頓環球報
●自中古世紀以來,無數的人,包括了羅馬人、查理曼大帝、摩爾人、聖方濟和拿破崙,都曾經走在這條朝聖之路。不論是聖人、名人或一般人,每個人都為了自己獨特的原因而走。對莎莉.麥克琳來說,camino 是對靈性和肉體的艱鉅挑戰。她以三十天的時間完成了這趟奇幻旅程,也找到了她向來所探尋的宇宙奧秘與生命存在的解答。