Miss Polly Had a Dolly (Hands-On Songs) | 拾書所

Miss Polly Had a Dolly (Hands-On Songs)

$ 225 元 原價 225

Children are able to communicate by signing before they develop the skills necessary for speech. By teaching simple sign language to children from as young as eight months, we can help them to convey their emotions and their needs. When children begin to talk, having sign language to fall back on provides a comforting safety net. Favourite nursery rhymes and songs, with babies and toddlers, signing and miming along. Developed with the support of Lancashire C.C. Early Years and Childcare Service, and SureStart Resources Ltd. as part of their 'Sing, Sign & Rhyme' series, these books encourage actions through mime and BSL signs.

孩童在發展出說話必備能力以前就能靠著手勢與人溝通,如果我們能在孩童八個月大的時候就開始教導他們簡單的手語,將有助於他們表達自我的感受與需求。此外,當孩童學會說話後,手語的基礎也能讓他們在表達上較有自信。本書含有多首膾炙人口的童謠,能讓嬰孩與學步兒童邊看邊學。本書跟《Sing, Sign & Rhyme》系列其他書籍一樣,並與蘭開夏郡議會的兒童早年教育與幼兒照護組織 (Early Years and Childcare Service) 及 SureStart Resources 有限公司合力創作,希望能鼓勵孩童利用各種手勢與英國手語(BSL) 來溝通。

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