More Pants (Book +CD) | 拾書所

More Pants (Book +CD)

$ 395 元 原價 395
來到活潑熱情的「褲褲大集合」,就算你有再多褲子都不夠用!知名童書作家Giles Andreae精采且押韻的文字和插畫家Nick Sharratt瘋狂逗趣的插圖,讓家長或孩子都會愛不釋手。河馬、豪華加長禮車跟穿著褲子的恐龍,還有數不完的有趣人物,再加上一件屁味十足的褲子,這本無厘頭到極點的圖畫書肯定笑破你的肚皮!
●You can never have enough pants, as this exuberant celebration of lots and lots more pants proves! Giles Andreae's brilliant rhyming text and Nick Sharratt's hilarious, vibrant illustrations will delight children and adults alike. Featuring amongst others, a hippo, a limousine and a dinosaur in pants, plus a rather embarrassed farty pants, this lively picture book is guaranteed to make you giggle!


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