Who Is Jane Goodall? 珍.古德 | 拾書所

Who Is Jane Goodall? 珍.古德

$ 210 元 原價 210

Jane Goodall, born in London, England, always loved animals and wanted to study them in their natural habitats.

So at age twenty-six, off she went to Africa! Goodall's up-close observations of chimpanzees changed what we know about them and paved the way for many female scientists who came after her. Now her story comes to life in this biography with black-and-white illustrations throughout.


所以 26 歲時,就離開家鄉到非洲了!珍.古德近距離觀察黑猩猩,改變了人們對於黑猩猩的認識,也影響後來許多的女性科學家。現在珍.古德的故事收錄於這本傳記,並以黑白插畫貫穿全文。

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