Like a Virgin維珍顛覆學 | 拾書所

Like a Virgin維珍顛覆學

$ 560 元 原價 560
●It’s business school, the Branson way. Whether you’re interested in starting your own business, improving your leadership skills, or simply looking for inspiration from one of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time, Richard Branson has the answers. ●Like a Virgin brings together some of his best advice, distilling the experiences and insights that have made him one of the world’s most recognized and respected business leaders. In his trademark thoughtful and encouraging voice, Branson shares his knowledge like a close friend. He’ll teach you how to be more innovative, how to lead by listening, how to enjoy your work, and much more. In hindsight, Branson is thankful he never went to business school. Had he conformed to the conventional dos and don’ts of starting a business, would there have been a Virgin Records? A Virgin Atlantic? So many of Branson’s achievements are due to his unyielding deter?mination to break the rules and rewrite them himself. Here’s how he does it. ●「我很慶幸自己從未念過商學院。我從未被灌輸做事的『正確』方法。」─ 理查.布蘭森 (Richard Branson)這想法非常特別,一般未來想從商者,大多會選擇進入商學院去學習,取得學位證明自己的能力與學歷。或許想要成功,最需要的是勇氣和毅力,打破規則去開創屬於自己的未來! ●本書以採訪方式與讀者分享當初以4英鎊起家,開創出規模破百億、橫跨34國的維珍集團CEO-Richard Branson的創業觀念、企業經營理念與人生職涯規劃。Branson親自傳授商學院學不到的創業實戰,讓我們更了解這位具有獨特思維的創業家,若你也想自行創業,一定要來看看這本不同凡想的創業教戰手冊!


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