Puffin Young Readers 3: Ant Plays Bear | 拾書所

Puffin Young Readers 3: Ant Plays Bear

$ 111 元 原價 140
In this delightful follow-up to My Brother, Ant, Anthony comes face to face with a growling bear, pretends to be a dog, and hears a giant tapping on the window.

繼《My Brother, Ant》之後,緊接而來的又是什麼故事呢?這一次,安東尼先是扮演愛咆哮的大熊熊,接著又裝成大狗狗,然後居然聽到有個巨人躡手躡腳地踩上窗沿……

Age Range: 3 years and up

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