Better Than Normal 正常有什麼好 , 不正常 , 更好! | 拾書所

Better Than Normal 正常有什麼好 , 不正常 , 更好!

$ 415 元 原價 525
●What if the inattentiveness that makes school or work a challenge holds the secret to your future as an entrepreneur? What if the shyness in groups that you hate is the source of deep compassion for others? What if the anxiety and nervousness you often feel can actually help energize you? Renowned psychiatrist and popular on-air personality Dr. Dale Archer believes that behaviors frequently labeled "ADHD," "bipolar," and "OCD" are often normal human qualities—and he contends that we all experience these and other psychological traits to some extent yet fail to leverage the significant advantages they can offer. Worse, we stigmatize one another for these aspects of our personalities. ●上市第一週即榮登《紐約時報》非文學類暢銷書排行榜 ●你身邊一定有這種「怪性格」的人,但,你自己可能也有︰ ●人多的場合就焦慮?逃避社交場合,只喜歡跟一兩個熟人在一起 ●或是相反︰愛感官刺激,要眾人把關注焦點放你身上? ●最常見到的︰坐不住、很難專心。與人交談時,常無法把對方的話聽完 ●這種人不多︰做事總是要求完美,對細節重視到讓人抓狂 ●容易生氣、緊張,總是對於還沒發生的事非常擔心 ●或者你可能:自視很高,不耐煩與比較鈍的人相處;或者︰很難睡好,思緒總是轉很快;或者︰篤信無形事物、神、鬼,堅信某些儀式可以帶來好運? ●作者雅契醫師提供你八種性格問卷,幫你找出自己的「正常」與「不正常」。


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