Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi (A Math Adventure) | 拾書所

Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi (A Math Adventure)

$ 280 元 原價 280

For fans of the Sir Cumference series with Pi on their mind, here is the second installment in this fun look at math and language. This time the math adventure is centered around a potion that changes Sir Cumference into a fire-breathing dragon.

Can Radius change him back? Join Radius on his quest through the castle to solve a riddle that will reveal the cure.

It lies in discovering the magic number that is the same for all circles. Perfect for parent and teachers who are looking to make math fun and accessible for everyone.


對知道圓周率的 Sir Cumference系列粉絲而言,本書是學習有趣數學和語言的第二本書。這次數學冒險圍繞著一種藥水,可將圓周爵士變成一條噴火龍。

 Age Range: 8 - 12 years

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