Every Bone Tells a Story (Ages 10-14) (美國中學閱讀書單)(精裝版) | 拾書所

Every Bone Tells a Story (Ages 10-14) (美國中學閱讀書單)(精裝版)

$ 665 元 原價 665

Jill Rubalcaba and Peter Robertshaw recount the unearthing of four hominins--Turkana Boy, Lapedo Child, Kennewick Man, and Iceman. Each discovery leads not only to deductions that scientists made in laboratories, but also to controversial debates over the scientists' differences of opinion over how, or even if, the pieces fit together. Learn how specialized the field of archaeology has become and how new technology can change both scientists' theories and the way we view the past.

作者Jill Rubalcaba、Peter Robertshaw講述了考古出土的四個人族─圖爾卡納少年、勒匹杜孩童、肯納威克人以及冰人。每一項發現不僅影響科學家在實驗室裡的推論,同時也造成科學家之間對骨骸如何拼湊及相符與否的論戰。快來瞭解瞭解考古學界這一專門領域近來的演進,以及新科技如何推翻科學家的理論並改變我們看待過去的方式。

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