Tarzan of the Apes / The Prisoner of Zenda | 拾書所

Tarzan of the Apes / The Prisoner of Zenda

$ 280 元 原價 280

With an Introduction by Gore Vidal Set amid the vibrant colors and sounds of the African jungle, this classic work has beckoned generations of readers toward a glorious journey of pure adventure. This is the story of the ape-man Tarzan, raised in the wild, and how he learns the secrets of the jungle to survive. When his paradise is invaded by white men, Tarzan’s life changes. Speaking directly to our childhood fantasies, Tarzan of the Apes takes us to that faraway place in our minds where dreams prevail—and where we too can be masters of our environment. A perilous impersonation, a forbidden romance, a bold rescue, and a battle to the death against a malevolent foe in his ancient lair—these form the key elements in one of the greatest and most irresistible novels of adventure ever written. In the mythical kingdom of Ruritania, Rudolf Rassendyll is called upon to impersonate the abducted heir to the throne—and he soon finds himself engaged to a beautiful princess whom he can love only while living a lie. Between its vivid emotion and unflagging action, The Prisoner of Zenda is the ultimate reading experience for those who seek to escape into a world of danger, daring, and noble deeds.


高爾.維多的開場白,加上非洲叢林豐富的色彩及生氣勃勃的音效,集結視覺及聲光效果,讓這部經典著作吸引不同世代的讀者,彷彿置身在冒險的旅程之中。故事描述在荒野中長大的猿人泰山,如何學習在森林裡生存的秘密。這片宛如天堂的叢林在人類入侵後,泰山的生活也就此改變。透過泰山奇幻的故事,可以帶領讀者回到童年的想像世界,那個遙遠、充滿夢想、由自己主宰的國度。冒險偽裝、不被祝福的戀情、英勇的救援、壞心的敵人及古老的巢穴等,都是這部不朽又經典的冒險小說中重要的元素。在虛構的浪漫國度裡,魯道夫.雷瑟迪爾假扮成已經被綁架的王位繼承人。他很快地發現自己愛上了漂亮的公主,但這一切都只是謊言。 《The Prisoner of Zenda》中冒險犯難與高貴的精神,可以帶給想要沉浸書中世界的讀者,一場難忘的體驗。


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