Anne of Green Gables (Vintage Childrens Classics) 清秀佳人 1:綠色屋頂之家的安 (9 and up) | 拾書所

Anne of Green Gables (Vintage Childrens Classics) 清秀佳人 1:綠色屋頂之家的安 (9 and up)

$ 290 元 原價 290

My dislikes: Being an orphan, having red hair, being called ‘carrots’ by Gilbert Blythe. My likes: Living at the Green Gables with Marilla and Matthew, my bosom-friend Diana, dresses with puff sleeves. My regrets: Dying my hair green. Smashing a slate over Gilbert Blythe’s head. My dream: To tame my temper. To be good (this is an uphill struggle). To grow up to have auburn hair! Includes exclusive material: In the Backstory you can find out about the real Green Gables, the plucky author and more! Vintage Children’s Classics is a twenty-first century classics list aimed at 8-12 year olds and the adults in their lives. Discover timeless favourites from Peter Pan and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland to modern classics such as The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.



我不喜歡:當一個孤兒、有一頭紅髮、被吉爾伯叫「紅蘿蔔」。我喜歡:和瑪莉拉以及馬修住在綠屋、我的知己黛安娜、公主袖的禮服。我後悔:把我的頭髮染成綠色、拿石板砸在吉爾伯的頭上。我的夢想:馴服自己的脾氣、當個乖小孩(這是一場長期抗戰)、長大後有一頭赤褐色的頭髮!書中更包含以下精彩內容:在「背景說明」中,你可以看到現實中的綠屋、認識勇敢的作者,還有更多的細節!《Vintage Children’s Classics》是二十一世紀的經典作品集,特別為八到十二歲的孩童,還有陪伴他們成長的大人所設計。這些不朽的經典作品包括《森林王子》和《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》,還有現代經典作品,像是《穿條紋衣的男孩》和《深夜小狗神祕習題》。



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