Despite - or perhaps because of - its immense popularity, the NFL remains one of the most secretive sports societies in America. John Feinstein goes behind the scenes of this closed sport as he takes his readers through an NFL season - all the ups and downs, the procession from 100 degree heat in training camp to frigid cold in January and the week-to-week pressures faced by the coaches and players - in an illuminating and entertaining look at the most lucrative sport in America. NEXT MAN UP highlights the Baltimore Ravens, one of the most watched and dramatic NFL teams in recent years. Like many teams, the Ravens have faced extreme obstacles - in their case, players in prison, under indictment, and injured - but they've still managed to play at an extremely high level, winning their first Super Bowl in 2001 against the New York Giants. From the first strategy sessions of a new season to the last down of the final game, John Feinstein reveals the intensity, spirituality, and the near life- or-death drama of professional football as it's never been revealed before.
不管是不是因為《國家美式足球聯盟》 (NFL) 擁有人氣的緣故,它仍是美國極為神秘的運動組織之一。約翰‧法因斯坦直搗這項運動的幕後,帶領讀者進入 NFL 的賽季,以帶有啟發性和有趣的角度一窺這項在美國最賺錢的運動。讀者從書中可見隊伍歷經的高低起伏、選手在 37 度的高溫下或一月的寒冬中練習隊形、及教練和選手每周所要面臨的龐大壓力等。本書強調了近年來最多人觀看、可看性也最高的 NFL 隊伍──巴爾的摩烏鴉。烏鴉隊和許多隊伍一樣,面臨了許多極大的挑戰,如球員坐牢、打官司、受傷,但仍持續參加高強度的比賽,在 2001 年戰勝紐約巨人隊時,首次拿下了超級盃冠軍。從新一季開始的策略賽到最後的決賽,約翰‧法因斯帶著讀者一窺職業美式足球的刺激競爭、精神、及你死我活的爭奪,而作者的呈現方式就彷彿他是首位揭開這項奧秘的人。