The wind blew, and blew, and blew! It blew so hard, it took everything with it: Mr. White's umbrella, Priscilla's balloon, the twins' scarves, even the wig on the judge's head. But just when the wind was about to carry everything out to sea, it changed its mind! With rhyming verse and colorful illustrations, Pat Hutchins takes us on a merry chase that is well worth the effort.
風,吹呀吹!這陣強風把所有東西都吹走了!有懷特先生的雨傘、普莉西雅的氣球、雙胞胎的圍巾,還有法官的假髮!但是當風要把這些東西通通吹到海裡的時候,它忽然改變心意了!作者 Pat Hutchins 用本書的押韻詩與豐富的插畫帶領大家來趟歡樂的追風之旅,這趟旅程絕對讓你不虛此行!