Dr. Kay Scarpetta, now freelancing from south Florida, returns to the city that turned its back on her five years ago. Richmond, Virginia’s recently appointed chief medical examiner claims that he needs Scarpetta’s help to solve a perplexing crime.
When she arrives, however, Scarpetta finds that nothing is as she expected: her former lab is in the final stages of demolition; the inept chief isn’t the one who requested her after all; her old assistant chief has developed personal problems that he won’t reveal; and a glamorous FBI agent, whom Scarpetta dislikes instantly, meddles with the case.
Deprived of assistance from colleagues Benton and Lucy, who are embroiled in what first appears to be an unrelated attempted rape by a stalker, Scarpetta is faced with investigating the death of a fourteen-year-old girl, working with the smallest pieces of evidence—traces that only the most thorough hunters can identify.
She must follow the twisting leads and track the strange details in order to make the dead speak—and to reveal the sad truth that may be more than even she can bear…
超越《屍體會說話》,挑戰鑑識科技極限之作! 火力全開的寫作功力。 ──《每日快報》
犯罪細節雖然血腥殘酷,但康薇爾的小說讀起來卻意外的寬慰人心。 ──《獨立報》
儘管仿效者眾,但康薇爾還是這個類型裡的一把手。 ──《鏡報》
康薇爾的所有作品都像是添了丙烷燃油似的緊繃懸疑,一杯杯用腎上腺素和恐懼調合的雞尾酒。她緊攫住讀者的心,而且總是有能耐吸引你進入她那孤絕、幽閉的世界,讓你親身泅泳於史卡佩塔的險境。女法醫的恐懼極具傳染力,你的腎上腺素不得不隨著她而竄升。 ──《泰唔士報》