The Body Farm (Scarpetta 5) 女法醫史卡佩塔 5:人體農場 | 拾書所

The Body Farm (Scarpetta 5) 女法醫史卡佩塔 5:人體農場

$ 350 元 原價 350

When aneleven-year-old girl is found murdered, Kay Scarpetta, Chief Medical Examiner for the Commonwealth of Virginia, gets another chance at stopping one of the most heartless and horrifying serial killers of her career: the demented Temple Gault.

一名 11 歲女童慘遭殺害,此案讓維吉尼亞州首席法醫史卡佩塔看到另一個機會,她要逮捕這名泯滅人性的恐怖連環殺人魔:精神異常的丹普.高特。

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