No Dragons for Tea: Fire Safety for Kids | 拾書所

No Dragons for Tea: Fire Safety for Kids

$ 280 元 原價 280

While out for a walk with her mom, a little girl has the surprise of her life --- she meets a real, live, fire-breathing dragon! Now this dragon is nothing to be afraid of --- in fact, he's so friendly that she invites him home for tea. But their afternoon snack is suddenly interrupted when the dragon sneezes and sets the table ablaze. Luckily, the girl knows just what to do, and she teaches her new friend to be fire smart, too. With its funny, rhyming verse and spunky illustrations, Dragons for Tea shows kids that learning about fire safety doesn't have to be scary. The story ends with ?The Dragon's Fire Safety Rhyme? --- a fun and easy way to remember what to do in case of fire.

小女孩和媽媽出門散步時,遇見了 驚喜:一隻活生生的噴火龍!但其實這隻龍並不可怕,因為牠非常友善,小女孩還請牠到家裡喝茶呢!然而,噴火龍打了個噴嚏,讓桌子著了火,突然打斷了下午茶。還好小女孩知道解決辦法,她也教噴火龍如何正確用火。本書搭配有趣且富有韻律的文字,及大膽鮮明的插圖,讓孩子不再對學習安全用火感到恐懼。故事最後 還有《The Dragon's Fire Safety Rhyme》這首輕快的兒歌,以簡單好記的方式教導孩子消防守則。

 Age Range: 3 - 7 years

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