The Nazi Hunters (Ages 12-17) (美國中學閱讀書單)(精裝版) | 拾書所

The Nazi Hunters (Ages 12-17) (美國中學閱讀書單)(精裝版)

$ 630 元 原價 630

In 1945, at the end of World War II, Adolf Eichmann, the head of operations for the Nazis' Final Solution, walked into the mountains of Germany and vanished from view. Sixteen years later, an elite team of spies captured him at a bus stop in Argentina and smuggled him to Israel, resulting in one of the century's most important trials -- one that cemented the Holocaust in the public imagination. THE NAZI HUNTERS is the thrilling and fascinating story of what happened between these two events. Survivor Simon Wiesenthal opened Eichmann's case; a blind Argentinean and his teenage daughter provided crucial information. Finally, the Israeli spies -- many of whom lost family in the Holocaust -- embarked on their daring mission, recounted here in full. Based on the adult bestseller HUNTING EICHMANN, which is now in development as a major film, and illustrated with powerful photos throughout, THE NAZI HUNTERS is a can't-miss work of narrative nonfiction for middle-grade and YA readers.

在 1945 年二次大戰的尾聲,「納粹最終解決方案」負責人阿道夫‧艾希曼隱入德國山區,人間蒸發。16 年後,一群精英諜報人員在阿根廷一個巴士停靠站逮到了他,並將他偷渡到以色列,也導致後來的世紀大審判,這場判決確立了人們心中對納粹大屠殺的想法。本書述說這兩件重大事件之間發生的故事,情節驚心動魄且引人入勝。倖存者西蒙‧維森塔爾在艾希曼的審判中做了開場陳述,一名阿根廷盲人以及他十幾歲的女兒提供了關鍵資訊。最後,許多在納粹大屠殺中痛失至親的以色列情報人員展開了危險的追捕大任,其過程在此書詳盡呈現。本書改編自即將翻拍為電影的暢銷書《獵殺艾希曼》,精采圖解貫穿全書,實為中學生與青少年讀者不可錯過的敘事寫實作品。

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