Cambridge English Readers Level Starter:What a Lottery! | 拾書所

Cambridge English Readers Level Starter:What a Lottery!

$ 150 元 原價 150
本讀本入選「IWiLL 第二十一次全國英語閱讀線上挑戰」推薦讀本書單

類型:Human interest(人物故事)

發財夢人人都有 有一天如果你中了樂透你會把錢拿來做什麼?Rick 是一個熱愛搖滾樂的窮小子,連他的妻子都受不他離他而去!誰知道好運意外降臨!突然變有錢的 Rick 美麗人生是否就此開始呢?

Rick Drummond is a music lover without a job who dreams of making it big in the world of music. The people around him think he's just a dreamer, or a loser. When his wife walks out on him it seems the real world is falling around him. But then his luck changes when he wins the lottery. Is this really a change of fortune for Rick or is he about to lose again?

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