Perfect for fans of James Dashner's The Maze Runner, Feedback is the heart-stopping sequel to Variant—which Pittacus Lore, author of I Am Number Four, praised as "an intense journey with some of the most shocking twists and turns I've ever read." Benson Fisher escaped from Maxfield Academy's deadly rules and brutal gangs. He thought that the worst was over.
But now Benson is trapped in a different kind of prison—a town filled with familiar faces. Classmates from Maxfield who Benson had seen die. Friends he was afraid he had killed.
They are all pawns in the school's twisted experiment, held captive and controlled by an unseen force. And while Benson struggles to figure out who, if anyone, can be trusted, he discovers that Maxfield Academy's plans are darker than anything he imagined—and they may be impossible to stop.
如果你是詹姆士達許納《移動迷宮》的書迷,那麼你一定不能錯過本書。本書前作《全面監控》緊張的劇情,甚至被《獵殺第四行者》的作者 Pittacus Lore 讚許「像經歷一場刺激的冒險,驚人的情節轉折是我前所未見的」,這次作者推出令人引頸期盼的續集《Feedback》。 自從主角班森從麥克斯菲德學院逃脫後,原以為從此遠離死亡規條與暴力幫派,最壞的已經結束,但是現在班森卻被囚禁在一座鎮上。鎮上的人盡是熟悉的面孔,那些他親眼在學院看到死去的同學和他親手殺死的朋友,全都出現在鎮上。 這些死去的人仍舊被學院的無形力量所控制,他們是學校邪惡實驗的棋子,班森試圖找出可以信賴的人,卻發現學院的神秘計劃比想像中更黑暗,沒有人能阻止這股邪惡力量……。