The Ant and the Big Bad Bully Goat (Book + CD) | 拾書所

The Ant and the Big Bad Bully Goat (Book + CD)

$ 450 元 原價 450

Badger is happy living in his neat and tidy burrow – until Big Bad Bully Goat decides to move in! Bully Goat has such a fearsome reputation that even Badger’s biggest friends are too scared to help. All seems lost until help arrives from a very unexpected quarter and Badger realises that size isn't everything. This traditional Iberian tale is retold with a twist by storyteller, poet and anthologist Andrew Fusek Peters. Complete with Audio CD.

貝爵獾快樂地生活在他那整齊、清潔的地洞裡,直到……壞心眼的山羊大惡霸決定霸佔他的窩!山羊大惡霸的名字讓人聽了就害怕,連貝爵獾體型最巨大朋友都嚇到不敢幫忙,就在貝爵獾快要失去一切的時候,救星居然出現了,最後貝爵獾瞭解到體型並非一切。集詩人、文選編者和短篇小說家於一身的安德魯‧福塞克‧皮特斯 (Andrew Fusek Peters) 重述這則古代伊伯利亞人的傳統故事,還加上令人出乎意料的轉折,搭配有聲 CD 更臻完美。

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