Surfacing | 拾書所


$ 490 元 原價 490

瑪格麗特‧愛特伍(Margaret Atwood,1939年11月18日-)是加拿大知名作家。她生於渥太華,是位多產的詩人、小說家、文學評論家、女權主義者、社會活動家。


《使女的故事The Handmaid's Tale》則以意識流的手法,掌握時間的線性流動,是過去也是未來。細膩、深刻,在迷人的敘述中反覆辯證人與女人的價值,真實與虛構拉扯,挑戰讀者的閱讀神經。而她的作品《雙面葛蕾斯Alias Grace》被譽為當代西方女性主義文學經典。

《末世男女Oryx and Crake》三部曲系列是科技反烏托邦的瘟疫文學,預言生物科技和病毒變種將造成的人類浩劫。瑪格麗特以詩人敏銳的筆調,書寫人性;令人毛骨悚然、怵目驚心,瀰漫著悽涼的美學。


From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Handmaid's Tale

A provocative blend of literary mystery, psychological thriller, and spiritual journey, Surfacing is the story of an artist who goes in search of her missing father on a remote island in northern Quebec. Accompanied by her boyfriend and a young married couple, the artist searches her abandoned childhood home for clues her parents may have left. But in the disorienting, transformative isolation of the wilderness, her friends' marriage begins to crumble, sex becomes a catalyst for conflict, and violence and death lurk just beneath the surface. As her relentless probing leads to an electrifying confrontation with her own suppressed secrets, she rapidly descends into what could be either madness or the starkest self-knowledge. Margaret Atwood's haunting masterpiece is permeated with suspense, complex with layered meanings, and written in brilliant, diamond-sharp prose.

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