The Innocent Man | 拾書所

The Innocent Man

$ 350 元 原價 350

In the town of Ada, Oklahoma, Ron Williamson was going to be the next Mickey Mantle. But on his way to the Big Leagues, Ron stumbled, his dreams broken by drinking, drugs, and women. Then, on a winter night in 1982, not far from Ron’s home, a young cocktail waitress named Debra Sue Carter was savagely murdered. The investigation led nowhere. Until, on the flimsiest evidence, it led to Ron Williamson. The washed-up small-town hero was charged, tried, and sentenced to death—in a trial littered with lying witnesses and tainted evidence that would shatter a man’s already broken life, and let a true killer go free.

Impeccably researched, grippingly told, filled with eleventh-hour drama, The Innocent Man reads like a page-turning legal thriller. It is a book no American can afford to miss.


在奧克拉荷馬州 (Oklahoma) 的阿達 (Ada) 鎮,羅恩•威廉姆森 (Ron Williamson)將成為下一個米奇•曼托 (Mickey Mantle)。但在通往大聯盟的坦途中, 羅恩跌跌撞撞,他的夢想被飲酒、吸毒和女色打破。後來,在1982年的一個冬夜, 在離羅恩家不遠的地方, 一位名叫黛布拉•蘇•卡特(Debra Sue Carter) 的年輕雞尾酒女侍者被兇殘殺害。調查無疾而終。根據最薄弱的證據,線索導向了羅恩•威廉姆森。這位被淘汰的小鎮英雄受到指控、審判並被判處死刑 -- 在一次審判中,充滿撒謊的證人和被被玷污的證據,而這些證據將粉碎一個人已經破碎的生命, 並讓一個真正的兇手逍遙法外。 
無可挑剔的研究,悲傷地講述,充滿了11時的戲劇內容,《無辜之人》 (The Innocent Man) 讀起來像一個翻頁的法律驚悚片。這是一本美國人不能錯過的好書。


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