I Can Read 1: The Berenstain Bears A Neighbor in Need | 拾書所

I Can Read 1: The Berenstain Bears A Neighbor in Need

$ 138 元 原價 175

The Good Deed Scouts are on the lookout for someone to help … and who do they see? It’s Mrs. Grizzle doing her yard work! Will she let the cubs help? This is a Level One I Can Read! book, which means it’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences. It aligns with guided reading level I and will be of interest to children Pre-K to 2nd grade.

善良的童子軍在尋找需要幫助的人……他們看見誰了呢?是正在整理院子的灰太太!她會願意讓這群小鬼頭來幫忙嗎?本書是《I Can Read》系列初級讀本,是孩子學習朗讀字句時最理想的讀物。本書內容依造初階指導閱讀設計,深受學齡前到小二孩童喜愛。

 Age Range:  4 - 8  years

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